Dow 24,000 Is A Virtual Lock - It Could Even Hit 27,000 Over The Next 12 Months
Dear Reader,
I know Dow 27,000 is a bold statement... ...and the global economy is riddled with problems...
Interest rates have seen one of their fastest and biggest spikes in history, rising 88% in only 6 months.
The US National debt continues to spiral out of control.
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Chinese banks are hiding more than $2 Trillion in loans used to build “ghost cities” and empty apartment buildings.
And President Trump is an isolationist whose trade policies may not be good for the economy.
But none of that matters - at least not right now.
Markets can and do ignore what seems like logical fundamentals for very long periods of time.
John Maynard Keynes said it best when he said: “The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.”
At these lofty levels, I’m not advocating that you buy and hold for the long term.
You need to be nimble and ready to profit once the market turns down. Some of the largest fortunes in history have been earned in a crashing market.
But I don’t believe moving to cash and sitting on the sidelines and missing out on another 7,000 point potential rise is the best course of action either.
That’s why I’m advocating you use this simple and safe strategy - a strategy which has crushed buy and hold investing...
...and by such a wide margin that billions of dollars from Wall Street’s most prominent hedge funds are now flooding into this exact strategy.
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