dimanche 29 janvier 2017

Dear Reader,

What I’m about to share with you might come as a complete shock but it’s absolutely true.

Did you know that the most profitable investing strategy ever has nothing to do with company or market fundamentals?

In fact, one Ph.D. of finance Cliff Asness discovered this market beating phenomenon back in 1994 while completing his thesis at the University of Chicago.

Today he has built one of the fastest growing hedge funds in the world amassing $42 billion in only 13 years.

But he wasn’t the first to discover this incredible secret. There are a handful of ultra-wealthy, cutting-edge traders who started using it long before 1994.

Their annual compound returns are simply mind boggling, far surpassing those of Warren Buffett, Carl Ichan, and David Tepper.

For example...

Ed Seykota turned $5,000 into over $15 million in only 15 years (300,000%)
Michael Marcus turned $30,000 into over $80 million (266,000%)
And John Henry used it to become a billionaire and now owns a stake in the Boston Red Sox.

Their strategy is very “unorthodox.” They don’t care about balance sheets, P/E ratios, or return on equity. If you ask them, they might chuckle and tell you none of that stuff matters.

All they care about is price and price trends. That’s right, each one of these traders made their fortune as a trend following momentum based trader allowing price to dictate all of their trading decisions.

So how can you put a trend following strategy to work in your portfolio?

In today’s computer-driven world it’s virtually impossible for the average investor to trend follow without the aid of a computer algorithm that detects early… and lasting trend changes.

There are simply too many variables to track to know which companies are seeing unusual institutional money flows, which is what creates sustainable and fast rising stock prices.

My business partner Jesse Webb is an expert trend-following trader with 20 years experience. Prior to Co-founding Investiv, he managed money for high net worth individuals at one of the largest banks in the country.

His experience at the bank gave him an inside knowledge into how institutions think, allocate money, and make trading decisions.

Armed with that data he spent 10 years and over $350,000 developing a web-based computer-driven algorithm which tracks institutional money flows and alerts subscribers to the strongest trending stocks in both bullish and bearish markets.

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